Thursday, July 15, 2010

my labour experience.

My Labour Experience.
sleeping half way at home, while i feel some water leaking, not discharge.
so i told me mum and i waited for second times, but second time onwards was just very very little of water leaking on a layer of my panty liner.
i even can went out with hubby to Chinatown for supper, LOL cos i'm afraid if i were to admit, doctor ask me go home & wait for more then come back etc. so i continue my dailies as per normal.

Morning, mummy start nagging me to enter hospital for a check better, just in-case at night water bag burst heavily.

so about 12pm hubby sent me over to KKH's Delivery Suite & they out of room at that moment, so i've to go to the observation room to do a check.
After some check-ups, i was admitted straight to delivery suite instead of ward first, stayed there all the way till i give birth.
It's was about 2.30pm alr, doctor came in & wanted to insert a pill to open my cervix as i don't have any contraction for very long. So about 4.30pm pills were inserted & dilated for 1cm only.
After that waited in the room for contraction, my contraction became heavy & heavy after 5-6hrs but bearable, till midnight.

Ard 12am plus my contraction were abit unbearable, but i try to bear as doc haven came to check for how much i dilated, so i start using the mask & doctor says i dilated about 2cm only, so i waited again ard 2am i asked again as my contraction is start to be very unbearable, i insist for a inject on my thigh only. so i fall asleep for 1hr, i waked up & start rolling, tearing for the super unbear pain & hubby was heartache seeing me in sucha pain first time, so i insist a Epidural on my back alr, or else i operate (C sect).

I tried my best t bear, but at that momnet doctor says, can't hear baby's heart beat as i keep rolling for relieves pain, but doctor want to insert a long wire-like into my cervix to my baby's head (inside my tummy) to hear the beats. It's duper painful then anyone expect, i swear!
and i believe no one exp this as i do.

After hearing that she's fine with her heart beating inside, doctor finally approve for Epidural, waited a half-an-hour for the Anesthetics Doctor to arrive & explain for epidural, then asked me to sit up straight, bend my back right downwards & lift my leg to the sofa, when baby is inside about to come out & contraction i really can't make it for the doctor to inject & connect the epidural's tude wire to pump epidural into my body, but i die die also have to, to let go the pain immediately & store energy to give birth.

After Epidural were injected & connect the tude at ard 4.30am, doctor check immediately right after the epidural were injected, my cervix actually dilated 8-9cm alr!
which mean, after all time waited my cervix actually dilated soo much & i actually can endure till give birth, as i tot only stayed at 3cm, zzz!
After all alr injected, so i waiited till my gynae came at 7am in the morning & found baby's head actually very downwards, ask me want to try push? i agree & very very fast less then an hour only, after a 16hrs of pain, my girl was finally arrive :)

This is a very hard exp & now i'm back at home to exp the confinement & wound pain :(
all worth afterall, seeing my precious crying over there, forget abt the pain :)

Hubby was so happy like everyone do :)

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